
Pahu killed by fishing industry in Marine Mammal Sanctuary

Thursday, 27 Feb, 2025

A Pahu, or Hector’s dolphin was recently killed by a commercial trawler in Te Waewae Marine Mammal Sanctuary. The death was reported on the DOC Hector's and Māui dolphin incident database as death by entanglement in a trawl net in February 2025.

Sea Shepherd NZ, Campaign Manager and kaitiaki Grant Meikle (Ngāi Tahu) said: “I’m not surprised by the death as it's been clear for a very long time based on the aggression from the local industry they are hiding what's really happening in the remote bay.”

With the installation of on-board cameras for trawlers operating in the south coast coming into effect last year, we are finally seeing the reality of commercial fishing in our national dolphin’s habitat.

Pahu behind trawler

The local industry has long denied killing Pahu in their trawl nets and were adamant the slow trawl speeds were safe for the threatened species.
“Obviously not” advised Michael Lawry SSNZ, Director. “Sad we have such little respect for an endangered species by industrial fishing in their habitat” said Lawry.
Sea Shepherd have been patrolling in Te Waewae for over 6 years and have repeatedly expressed concern over the risk to the iconic Pahu population of over 200 from commercial trawling. Te Waewae bay is a destinated Marine Mammal Sanctuary and adjacent to Fiordland National Park.
Sea Shepherd calls for the removal of all commercial fishing activities both gill net and trawl in Te Waewae and demand it be made a real Marine Mammal Sanctuary. 

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