Operation Jeedara 2018: A Recap
Saturday, 07 Jul, 2018
Operation Jeedara 2018 is our campaign to showcase the importance of marine park sanctuary zones to the Great Australian Bight.
Revisit our journey to the protected islands of Off Top Gallant, Ward, Flinders and Pearson in the Investigator Wilderness Protection Area.
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The research team onboard the M/Y Steve Irwin for Operation Jeedara 2018.
Captain Anteo Broadfield steering the M/Y Steve Irwin out of dock at Port Adelaide.
A pod of dolphins escorting the M/Y Steve Irwin out to sea.
The M/Y Steve Irwin launching the small boat carrying research scientists on Operation Jeedara 2018.
The M/Y Steve Irwin arriving at the Pearson Isles, SA.
Pearson Island.
A pod of endangered Australian sea lions greets the crew upon arrival at Pearson Island.
The view from the top of the main island: Pearson Island, Pearson Isles.
Research scientists using drones to map the population of the endangered Australian sea lion colony on Pearson Island.
Jeff Hansen on Pearson Island during Jeedara 2018.
An endangered Australian sea lion on Pearson Island.
Endangered Australian sea lion pups playing in a rock pool on Pearson Island.
A look beneath the waves on Operation Jeedara 2018.
Some of the amazing fish life on Jeedara 2018.
A research scientist conducts an underwater survey during Operation Jeedara 2018.
The crew of the M/Y Steve Irwin for Operation Jeedara 2018.
Pearson Island - part of the Investigator Group Wilderness Protection Area in the Great Australian Bight.
An endangered Australian sea lion seen on a dive during Operation Jeedara 2018.
The M/Y Steve Irwin departs Pearson Island following the completion of Operation Jeedara 2018.