Defend, conserve and protect our oceans today!

Contribute to our direct action campaigns today! You can donate funds by Direct Deposit or Credit Card. Please see below.


Sea Shepherd relies on the generosity of our supporters who donate goods, services, and the funds necessary to operate our direct action campaigns for the oceans.


Whether it's a one-time gift, a monthly donation, or the fulfilment of one of our wish-list items to keep the fleet equipped, every contribution big or small is received with gratitude. Together, we can make a difference and continue the fight to defend, conserve and protect our oceans!


Sea Shepherd is a registered New Zealand charity (CC55428). If you would like a receipt for a one-off donation or an end of year statement of your recurring donations for tax rebate purposes, please email us at

Donate Monthly or One Off
Donate by Credit Card

Make a donation today and join the movement to help save our oceans.

Donate Monthly or One Off
Donate by Direct Deposit

If you would like to donate by direct deposit and/or setup an automatic payment our bank account details are:


Sea Shepherd New Zealand Trust
Account: 03-0252-0681500-000
Please put in a reference of DONATION
If you would like a receipt please email us at:

Make A Bequest
Leave A Legacy

You have the power to help protect the future of our oceans and marine wildlife. By leaving a gift to Sea Shepherd you will be leaving a legacy that will help to ensure our oceans are protected for future generations. Please contact us at

Create Your Own Campaign
Fundraise for Sea Shepherd

Generous people around New Zealand are 
raising much needed funds by creating 
and hosting their own unique events. 
For assistance with creating a fundraising 
event for Sea Shepherd please contact

Wish Lists
Donate Supplies

Support our ships and crews with the equipment, gear and supplies they need to save lives! Donate or purchase items for Sea Shepherd from our wish-lists. 

See wish-lists

Where Do My Donations Go?

It is only with the commitment and generosity of our supporters that we can continue our important work protecting the world's oceans.

This work is only possible through donations from people like you. Some examples of how your donations help:


$25 can support onshore operations to rid our oceans and waterways of plastic pollution;
$30 can support operations to defend our native dolphin Pahu (Hector's) and Maui;
$50 can support operations to defend sharks and the critical role they have been playing for over 450 million years in keeping our oceans healthy;
$100 can support international operations to combat illegal fishing on the high seas;
$500 can support operations across the Sea Shepherd fleet activating our mission to defend, conserve and protect oceans and marine wildlife worldwide.